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        The 19th China (Changchun) International Auto Expo Summit Forum to be Held on July 15

        Updated : 2022-07-14Source : CCFAO
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        On July 12, it was learned from the Organizing Committee of the International Auto Expo that the 19th China (Changchun) International Auto Expo Summit Forum will be held on July 15 in Changchun International Conference Center.

        The summit forum is themed with "Revitalizing Northeast China's Economy and Promoting Auto Consumption". At the forum, elites in the field of new energy vehicles will give in-depth interpretations on the focused topics such as "the development trend of new energy vehicles", "new policy, new situation and new trend of auto consumption", "the past and present of new energy vehicles", "development mode and prospect of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles" and "analysis on the Northeast China's auto market". By interpreting these topics, the elites will comprehensively analyze the development and market opportunity of Northeast China's auto industry, and offer suggestions for multi-field coordinated development, for the purpose of promoting the development of the auto industry and the revitalization of Northeast China in joint efforts.