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        U.S. Consulate General

        Updated : 2021-08-16Source : china.usembassy-china.org.cn
        【Fonts: A+ A A- Print

        Welcome to the website for the U.S. Consulate General in Shenyang. Based in northeast China, the U.S. Consulate General in Shenyang serves a consular district comprised of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang Provinces. The Consulate works to meet the needs of American citizens and U.S. companies in our district, as well as promote the diplomatic goals of the United States government. The Consulate works in a variety of areas which enhance the relationship between the United States and China, including consular, commercial, economic, political, cultural, and educational themes.


        Consul General Nancy Abella

        Consul General Nancy Abella

        Nancy Abella arrived in China on August 1, 2019, to serve as Consul General at the United States Consulate General in Shenyang.

        Ms. Abella joined the State Department in April 2001, and is a career member of the U.S. Foreign Service. She served two previous assignments in China at the U.S. Consulate General in Shanghai and at the U.S. Embassy in Beijing. She has also worked overseas at the U.S. Embassy in Banjul, The Gambia, and embedded with U.S. military forces at a U.S. Provincial Reconstruction Team in Farah, Afghanistan.

        Ms. Abella’s most recent Washington, D.C, assignment was in the State Department Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Office of Mainland Southeast Asia. Previously, she worked in Washington at the State Department 24-Hour Operations Center, the Bureau of Consular Affairs, the White House National Security Council, and the Office of the Counselor to the Secretary of State.

        Ms. Abella was born in New Jersey and grew up in Connecticut. She graduated from the Georgetown University Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service with a Bachelor of Science, and speaks Chinese Mandarin and Spanish.


        The U.S. Consulate in Shenyang was opened in 1904.  It was originally housed in two abandoned Chinese temples, “ Temples ‘Yi Kung Ssu’ and ‘Scwang Chen Ssu’ located outside the Little West Commerce Gate.”  Sometime before 1924, the Consulate moved to No. 1 Wu Wei Lu, a building which used to house the Russian Consulate.  At that time, the United States had several other Consulates in Northeast China, including in Harbin and Dalian.  These appear to have been closed by World War II.   The Shenyang Consulate was able to continue operations for most of the war but closed in 1949 after the new Chinese Communist Party authorities had imprisoned the remaining consulate staff in their offices for almost a year before expelling them.  In 1984, five years after the United States recognized formally established diplomatic relations with the government in Beijing, the Consulate reopened; today it plays a key part in the management of the close relationship the United States has with northeast China.